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Usain Bolt: Models of Motivational Mindsets

Usain Bolt is commonly introduced as the fastest man alive. But how did he reach that point of dominance? While Bolt attributes some of his success to his athleticism, he emphasizes that his mentality is what ultimately drove him to win 8 Olympic gold medals.

In a September 2016 ESPN interview, Bolt delves into the mindset that led him to dominate his sport. As we listened to this interview, we found similarities between the 8-time Olympic gold medalist’s mental attitude and veteran NFL agent Craig Domann’s Pro Mindset®.


Quote: “Even if I’m on vacation, I try to get up and at least do some abs.”

Usain Bolt reveals that he not only has a regimented training season, but rather he has a regimented training lifestyle. Regardless of where he may be or what he may be doing, Bolt always ensures that he sets aside the time to train—even if that means he needs to sacrifice some of his time on vacation in order to do so. Bolt’s daily lifestyle centered around training is what allows him to perform on the track for the few seconds when it matters the most.

Lifestyle is an important component of the Pro Mindset. Daily decisions determine how you will perform on game day. Some may view Bolt’s decision to train during vacation as a bit extreme. However, those everyday sacrifices are what have allowed Bolt to set world records, win multiple Olympic gold medals, and to rightfully be named the fastest man alive.


Quote: “I wanted to be great, so I had to push myself every day and sacrifice to be the best.”

When asked about what his goals were, Bolt explains that he wanted to be as great as Muhammad Ali. He wanted to reach a level of success and dominance that no one could deny. That was his purpose. While there were countless moments during which he wanted to give up, Bolt continued to push himself in order to achieve that very purpose. The daily sacrifices he made only seemed like necessary steps he had to take in order to reach the level of success that he strived for.

Purpose is one of the seven keys of the Pro Mindset. Craig Domann explains, “Purpose is your motivation.” This is seen clearly in Bolt’s athletic career. Without his purpose of becoming the undebatable greatest within his sport, no amount of athleticism would have allowed him to gain the level of dominance and respect he has today. His purpose is what drove him to give his best effort both in practice and during races.

Lifestyle and purpose are two aspects of the mindset that led Usain Bolt to where he is today. These components are also two of the seven keys of the Pro Mindset. To learn more about the Pro Mindset, check out the Pro Mindset Podcast here.

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