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John Register: Part 2


John Register joins Pro MindsetĀ® host Craig Domann as he continues the story of a life-altering event that completely changed his path. He talks about his decision to amputate his leg and the way it changed his life. He shares the fears he experienced during this period of his life and how he learned to adjust to his new reality.

"That's why I made the decision to amputate. To strip everything away. It wasn't some heroic thing. It was just get this leg off so I could get rid of this pain. How many times in life do we make the same decision? We make the decision that we think will eliminate the pain."

John explains that the main reason he initially chose to amputate was to get rid of the severe, excruciating pain he was experiencing. He thought that if he got rid of the leg, then his pain would go away. John compares this mindset to everyday life. People often make decisions to get rid of the pain and heartache in their life. Therefore, many people turn to drugs or alcohol, they are looking for a way to dull their pain. John says that his faith in Christ is what helped him to believe that his accident had happened for a reason and that good was going to come from his trial.

"Courage is not that the fear is not there, It's that you act despite it being there. The hope on the other side is greater than the fear that you feel in the moment. The hope on the other side is greater than the fear that you fear in the moment."

Courage is choosing to move forward despite the fears that you feel. Hope offers you the initiative you need to act. John explains that he had many fears when he chose to amputate his leg. He was afraid that his wife would leave, and his son would not see him as his dad. John says that once we identify our fear and where it is coming from, then we can have the courage to go through the challenge. Once John had his leg amputated, he was able to embrace the rebirth of his new life.

ā€œInspiration is the catalyst to motivation. Motivation, in turn, causes actions, and actions lead us to transformational results. Those results inspire us, or they allow someone else that's watching the process to catch the vision.ā€

John explains that he used to hate the word ā€œinspiration.ā€ Whenever he would be interviewed for an article, his story would always be included on the human-interest page. This bothered him because he believed it belonged on the sports page. When he would ask about it, he was told that it was because he was an inspiration to others. John soon realized that inspiration is a strong driver for individuals. Many people have reached out to John to tell him how his story has impacted their life. John makes the point that he is an inspirational speaker, not a motivational speaker. The inspiration that John offers through sharing his story becomes the motivation for someone else. Whenever you are going through a challenge or a pivotal moment in your life, you are offering inspiration to someone else. It is important to make sure that your words and actions line up. Your words and deeds will have an impact on someone elseā€™s story. Johnā€™s story will not only inspire you, but will push you towards achieving your own Pro MindsetĀ®.

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